The main objective of the project is to improve the skills and competencies of the members of rural women's associations through the implementation of an interactive course corresponding to the training needs of the target group of the project but also of advisors working in rural areas, local entrepreneurs, organizations, and associations working for the development of women in rural areas.
Currently, the European Union is putting a lot of emphasis on highlighting the role and importance of women in rural areas by introducing activities aimed at associating women in the countryside. More and more attention is paid to the problems of rural women. Noteworthy is, for example, the Resolution of the European Parliament of 5 April 2011 on the role of women in agriculture and in rural areas (Official Journal of the European Union C296E / 13 of October 2, 2012) where, inter alia, it is emphasized that in the medium term it should lead to increased representation of women in political, economic and social bodies. The interest of rural women is related to the new concept of development of non-urbanized areas adopted in the European Union and defined as a balanced and multifunctional model of rural development.
According to this concept, the village, next to the traditional agricultural function, is to fulfill other important functions: recreational, residential, ecological, and sociocultural. This means the need to develop the services sector and the need for socio-professional activation of rural women, whose intellectual capital and unused resources until now have a new value.
Activation of rural women should include combining family and professional roles and participation in the social and political life of local communities. In recent years, a significant decline in the feminization rate can be observed in rural areas. This is mainly due to the emigration of women to the cities and abroad. This is a disadvantageous phenomenon, therefore, in order to counteract it effectively, it is necessary to consider the professional, educational and social aspirations of women living in the countryside, as well as the possibilities of supporting them in the implementation of their tasks.
The project will have a strategic impact on the future of enterprises in rural areas run by women and on the development of rural women's associations themselves (rural housewives' associations) by increasing the knowledge of entrepreneurship among the members of women's organizations in rural areas. The main objective of the project is to improve the skills and competencies of the members of rural women's associations through the implementation of an interactive course corresponding to the training needs of the target group of the project but also of advisors working in rural areas, local entrepreneurs, organizations, and associations working for the development of women in rural areas.
The project does not end with the completion of the project but forms the basis for the further development of the online course and its subsequent use in accordance with the objectives of the project exploitation. The developed interactive model and its ease of use in e-learning and distance learning will continue to be the privileged basic promotion of the knowledge and skills needed to make choices useful for the integration of sustainable entrepreneurship in rural areas and the development of women's organizations in rural areas.
The activities of Wobis project include five intellectual outputs and they will be achieved during five stages of work: Research, Design, Implementation, Evaluation, and Finalization. Furthermore, the project will focus on disseminating information about the project and project results and preparing appropriate mechanisms/processes for further exploitation.